Honestly, we need another mortgage company like we need a hole in the head. I completely get it and think this industry is way too saturated as it is. That statement is 100% true if I started a mortgage company like 99% of the ones out there now. The company where managers are yelling at their loan officers to get another "lock". The company that values maximizing profits over customer service. The lenders out there that bait and switch their clients with zero remorse. The LAST thing we need is another one of those mortgage companies.
I have worked for huge multi billion dollar mortgage lenders to the Mom and Pop broker shops. I have seen it all in this industry. The bottom line is, I love doing mortgages. I absolutely love helping someone save a ton of money, pay off debt, or get their dream home! That is super rewarding for me and something I want to continue doing on a daily basis. The problem is most lenders out there don't put the client first. They may say they do but I bet they are prioritizing their bottom line over getting the client the best deal possible.
MY WHY - There are two missions I have with Generation Lending. To create fans, who will tell their family, friends, and coworkers about us and to give my employees a place they absolutely love coming into everyday.
I want to give my clients the best pricing the industry has to offer and the best service they have ever had. I know I can check both of those boxes now.
Most people hate their jobs and I desparately want to do something about that. I want to create the best work environment they have ever had.
I know I have lofty goals and high expectations for myself and my company. I could not be more excited for this challenge and I hope we will have chance to work together!
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